Today, we are going to review not only a totally new product on the market, but a totally new method for making money online.
In addition, we will also be reviewing the particular method used by the product's authors, because this unique system will be taught, in a revolutionary, new extended and extensive, online membership format.
This system, of course, is called, as you know, the Faster Smarter Better - Internet Marketing Coaching system, and in the short space of this review, we are going to systematically take each of the claims made, (on the sale's page) apart, piece by piece, and see if makes the grade.
First of all, can you actually make a $100,000 dollars, in a year, and for the years to come following this system?
Owing to the fact that this is a brand new method, I have not yet had a year's worth of data to substantiate this claim. However, if judging from past systems published by this duo of online wealth builders, then $100,000 dollars in a year would not be an outlandish claim.
In addition, the system on a whole, is both solid in its foundation, yet flexible in its approach.
Therefore, sustaining the progress from year-to-year and building upon past successes - is extremely likely, especially with the membershipís continued tutelage.
As you may know, many of their previous wealth building systems have netted their students far more, if that eases your mind and gets you excited.
That said, the weird part is, Why would this team construct a system based on this rather modest number, as a profit goal on a sales page?
To answer this question, you must understand who the course is ultimately aimed to instruct, and it may also benefit you when considering 'this modest' number, that the $100,000 is based on NET earnings, rather than gross earnings. This is a far more honest way to make projections, than many other online courses, which have deceptively used gross numbers, to base their promotional material on.
Therefore, I'll give them another vote of confidence for not hiding any of the costs associated with their plan, as I think this is a very commendable way to do business.
So, who exactly is the Faster Smarter Better plan targeted toward?
The Faster Smarter Better plan is focused on training those who are new to online businesses, and to those who have had limited or unsuccessful experiences in online ventures in the past.
This is accomplished by backing up all the way to the beginning or starting over ìfrom scratchî for some newbieís and doing everything correctly from the get-go.
Some may see this part of the first monthís plan, as overkill, because they explain some very basic concepts in great detail, however, I agree that itís better to let some people skip over sections they understand, rather than leave out chunks of information by assuming everybody already knows the material and leaving some people behind.
When watching and reading some of the material explaining the basics in this course, I had to laugh, as I myself, recalled some of the mistakes I made and the costly consequences it took to teach me to learn some of the lessons, which this course points out, right away.
If you want to learn the basics, and beyond, then this course will teach them to you, step-by-step, using examples and pointing out any tools necessary to get the job done, efficiently.
If you're wondering, why you should do a certain procedure instead of another, to get the job done, then this course will point out the cause and effect of steps ahead, so you can visualize the results and maintain your focus on 'forward progress', without following on blind faith or feeling the need to do work without a goal.
Best of all, this method serves to draw attention to facets of online marketing that are very important, yet newbie's often skip because they don't understand how this or that piece, fits into the overall puzzle.
If you are already making over a hundred thousand dollars online then this may not be the right system for you.
However, I can see from watching the videos and taking the course step-by-step that we are off to a grounded start, providing a well balanced approach between instruction, theory, motivation and tool application.
The time spent on motivation in this course should be noted as fledgling entrepreneurs often have very little support from the outside world, until the money starts coming in.
Anyone who has ever started an online business from home knows that friends and family can be less than supportive (I was accused of playing on the computer) until the checks start rolling in.
The motivational aspect of this course are superb in both the videos and the written material, (including personal notes from me) available in the membership area, as they both encourage and bolster new entrepreneurís egos and personal resolve, as they take the steps necessary to build a solid online business foundation.
People who have traditionally looked to their employer for motivation have often fallen on their faces, when they struck out on their own, because it's hard to keep in mind the end goal when you're performing tasks that will not see results within the hour.
The way we have broken down each task and explained how it fits into the bigger picture, I believe, will be one of the strongest assets in this course, for all graduating winners.
I especially like how this system puts students in touch with ALL of the resources and tools they need to succeed.
Best of all the Faster Smarter Better System offers tools at various levels of success, with links to free online tools and resources that course goers can use to get started on a 'shoestring budget' but also they point out, the 'paid solutions' for later on - with recommendations as to when it would be appropriate to switch.
To sum up the Faster Smarter Better solution after reviewing the first couple of pre-prepared installments they have produced, I can honestly say this is one sales page that doesnt pull any punches.
Knowing the reputation of FSB-InternetMarketingCoaching, (of their prowess in marketing, and their unbridled wiliness to share what they themselves learn, know and do) I have every confidence that this course will grow with each members needs and will be updated as technology changes or as new opportunities present themselves.
Overall, if you're new to marketing or those who just haven't seen the results promised by following other 'so-called Guru's of the Internet' plans, then I'm sure you'll be pleasantly surprised at how simple they make starting a productive and solid online business. This is one, which is capable of producing a stable income for those interested in making a real living, for the long haul, in the online arena, Faster, Smarter, and Better.